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Lamp Monitoring System - Instruments Universal

Lamp Monitoring System

Lamp Monitoring System

Instruments Universal’s revolutionary Lamp monitoring and controlling System can upgrade regular street light to a “smart” street light in existing equipment. The Insu LC Nodes provide real-time monitoring and control of street lights in lighting networks both large and small. A full suite of control features include remote on/off, dimming, scheduling, daylight harvesting, emergency management and smart grid demand / response energy management. Enhanced fault monitoring and management are standard features allowing retrieve real-time power consumption data and lamp light levels from a central server accessible via a secure web connection. Lamp controller consists of advance microcontroller base systems with analog inputs and RF communication systems. The communication systems are designed on advance wire less mesh network technology. . Lamp controller incorporated with measurement of individual lamp load amps, Lamp Amps, KW, KWH, lamp Burning Hours, PF, etc. Lamp controller is used for ON and OFF lamp, Dimming Control ( 0 to 10 Volt ) for dimmable ballast. Lamp control send data to main systems via wireless communication.

About Company

Street light controller, Energy conservation equipments for street lighting control system for street light automation and management in Gujarat.

Company Address

15-B, BEI Compound,Opp. Mona tiles Chhani Jakat Naka, Vadodara – 390002
Gujarat, INDIA

Contact Now



contact@insuindia.co.in insuindia@rediffmail.com